Thursday 16 January 2014


So my last post was about changes and I've done some in the past few days. Every single day I go to local viewpoint and just stay for some time to just enjoy the view of my town (although it's freezing outside). It's quite relaxing and mind-freeing. Also I've decided to take longer routes to the viewpoint just for fun and it's been like sort of sport (originally it takes me 5 min but I've been up to a 20 min route). Fresh air and some movement has helped a little with my insomnia and mood swings. Besides I've been taking some pictures with my unfortunately shitty camera but I enjoy editing them and playing around with effects.
Another thing that has happened wasn't in my intention but whining about it would make me look like a girl from first world problem meme. Everything started when I turned 18. My parents and godparents persuaded me to get my licence but I'm not that into driving and I don't really fancy it. I have to agree it's more comfortable and all, but I've been doing fine without a car. For the past year they've been asking when I'm going to start attending classes for driving and when it started to annoy me I said I'm not going to get my licence. And guess what they did to make me get my driver's licence... THEY SIGNED ME TO DRIVING CLASSES AND BOUGHT BE A FREAKIN' CAR WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!!!
I know I shouldn't be complaining cause there are a bunch of people who would feel blessed to have such an opportunity but that's not me. I prefer achieving things on my own and I was considering to earn enough money and maybe get my license and car on my own. And now that everything is paid for, I have no other choice than attending these classes and starting to drive. Plus as much as I don't want that to happen, it may be the change I need to the route of my happiness. Since Denmark is quite far away, it'll be easier to get all my stuff there by car than bit by bit. But I would've been a lot more thankful if anyone would've asked my opinion about this. 
Although it is not fun to deal with, some things done under pressure turns out to be just what you needed. At least I hope it will.
~your changing Weirdode

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