Monday 6 January 2014

50 random facts

So I've decided to reveal some things about me and my life so you get the idea of what kind of weirdo you're dealing with.
1. My real name is awfully hard to read and pronounce for foreigners so the easiest variation of it would be Greth.
2. I'm currently 19 years old.
3. I usually cut my own hair because either none of the hairdressers know what could look good on me or I suck at explaining what I want.
4. Last year I've graduated from high school.
5. I love sleeping. Like A LOT.
6. I waste most of my current time on
7. I am a middle child in my family.
8. If something breaks in the house, my family assumes that I either broke it or know how to fix it.
9. I had a huge crush on German band Tokio Hotel in my teenage-emo phase.
10. I have never had a boyfriend.
11. I've never been in love.
12. My dream land to visit is Australia.
13. Currently I weight 69,5 kilograms.
14. I love sunny weather in spring, summer and fall.
15. I hate winter because it gets freezing cold.
16. I am 170 centimeters in height.
17. Currently I have 3 people who actually are my friends.
18. I have 229 Facebook friends to whom I'm barely talking.
19. The tree people who are viewing this blog is probably NSA, Santa and a 3-year old who accidentally wandered here and can't actually read.
20. I am crazy about nonograms(It's a kind of crossword).
21. I believe that there is only one God and he belongs to every single religion there is.
22. My current musical obsession is Hippie Sabotage - Stay High(Tove Lo Flip)
23. I draw horribly but I'm a huge optimist so I'll try to get into fashion school.(there were tree facts but let's keep those as bonuses:))
24. I had a dog named Jerry but unfortunately he died three weeks after we got him.
25. Before Jerry I had a rottweiler named Bertha, but we had to put her down. 
26. I also had three cats in different times, named Felix, Felix II and Felix III. I loved name Felix at the time.
27. My body is like a 20 year-old but my mind works like a 12 year-old mixed with 50 year-old.
28. I don't understand physics at all. 
29. I took English, native language, math and history as my A-levels in school.
30. I didn't study for my exams at all and somehow I passed them better than my nerd classmates.
31. I'm quite dorky.
32. I hope I'll live forever because I want to see all of my greatgreatgreatgreat...great-grandchildren. ALL OF THEM.
33. I know that I have a guardian angel and that he's currently on vacation.
34. I have so many freckles that you would think I should be ginger-head, but actually my hair is dark brown.
35. I've worked as a cashier in local grocery store for 6 months and because of that job I hate whiny people and that grocery store.
36. I've never had any kind of Mexican food.
37. I'm afraid to get fat so I try to eat a little less because...
38. I love FOOD(this deserved a separate fact).
39. I've never been drunk.
40. I am a huge book worm, but currently stopped this obsession because books in my country are crazy expensive.
41. I've never had a smart-phone. And probably never will.
42. I'm a lucky charm. People keep winning things when I'm around like phones or money. Unfortunately I never do.
43. My family likes to pressure me into doing all the things around the house like it's my job.
44. I call my sewing machine Betsy.
45. I can play piano and flute.
46. I'm a candle maniac. If I'm in my room there's definitely a candle burning on the windowsill.
47. I've never thought I could write more than 10 facts about myself.
48. Currently it's close to 1 am and don't even want to go to sleep.
50. You probably didn't see I've missed 49th fact ;)
Good night
~Your random Weirdode