Sunday 9 February 2014

January's overview

In January I decided to go back to my DIYing. Since admissions to the college of my choice are getting closer, I've decided to re-inspire myself for work and creation. It's annoying when you get some sort of psychological mind-block, can't think of anything and end up wasting your time watching TV shows and random YouTube videos.
I'll try to make this overview a monthly thing or if someone would like to know how to do a certain thing, I'll maybe do a separate post about the process. Here we go!

Fist off we have some vinyl plates. At fist I thought of keeping them the way they are, but they looked a bit too plain. Also I didn't keep them for playing because it's all in Russian(inheritance of my grandparents) and I don't know a word plus I don't have a record player so I didn't hesitated to remake them.
I tried to do some sort of tribal pattern(but miserably failed on some plates). In the beginning I thought adding color too but it didn't seem to fit well.

Another thing I did was this necklace. I had the chain part laying around and never wore it. That's why I decided to add a bit of myself to it. It's not much but I quite like it.

That's about it for my January DIYs. I'll try to make something more for February and hopefully post it too.
P.S. Uploaded photos are edited because I only have an old HP Photosmart E427 and that plus my poor skills of photography equals shitty photos. My editing isn't good too but don't judge me, I'm still learning ;)

~your Weirdode