Sunday 5 January 2014


Am I the only one who sees night not only as time but also as a circumstance? Things just feels a lot different at night. A LOT.
For example, only at night we see the sky as it really is. I'm not implying that day-time sky isn't real but at night you can actually see stars millions of light-years away moving around the skyline making everything feel even more magical. And all those amazing natural phenomenons like northern lights making sky look like from a painting and meteor showers making all the romantics wish for things to happen. Maybe I'm the only romantic that thinks like that but I don't care. For me night-time sky is BEAUTIFUL!
Another great thing about night is SLEEP! Sleeping is my favourite thing to do. Sometimes it feels like I could sleep for days but I have my family who gladly prevent my dream from coming true. Talking about dreams, how cool those are! If I'm not mistaking anythig, dreams come from our subconciosness. That basically means dreaming is one of the ways to connect to the most mysterious part of our brain. And if your partly lucid dreamier like me, you cant kinda control the way your dreams go. After I realised what I can do while dreaming I could prevent nightmares before anything scary happened and do what I like. Overall for me sleeping at night is waaayyy better(regardless the insomnia of course).
And the last thing in my list about night is creativity. Most of the ideas for models or entries for this blog came between 11.00 pm and 4.00 am including writing. Somehow night-time feels like the perfect time to create, let your imagination and ideas free whilst daytime feels better for physical work like chores, working out, grocery shopping and stuff. Maybe at night all the crazy ideas feel a bit more sane but stealing sleep time from your day cause some consequences. Sleep deprivation gets into your head quite quickly. Your mood starts going from 'nearly suicidal' to 'nirvana happiness' and back again. 
My biological clock probably flipped and that's where all the mood changing and love for the night-time appeared, but overall I'm happier at night.
~your night-time creature Weirdode