Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year's Resolution

I've seen a lot of people (including myself) making and then failing to keep their new year's resolutions. All the blabber about loosing weight, living healthy, exercising and stuff. And I thought to myself: why would you make yourself a promise that you know you won't keep. All the worrying about how it's gonna be different next year, trying to keep up with the schedule and finally failing after two weeks or even quicker. And the fact that you made not one but a few resolutions and failed all of them makes you feel even worse. 
So I came up with a plan. This year I'm making only one resolution and it definitely won't include any weight loss, diet changes or increase of physical activity more than needed. This year I'll make my dream come true. I will live my dream. By this I mean visiting other countries, maybe starting my studies, learning new languages, meeting new people. The last thing is the most significant. 
For the past six months there were about five people that were around me. Sad, right? And the fact that four of them are my family makes it even sadder. I am a person who needs changes, I get bored quite easily and I need a group of people who are as spontaneous and weird as me. Or even weirder and more spontaneous. I need people who understands what it's like to feel the loneliest person in the world and who are brave enough to change that about themselves. I need friends. 
I used to think that I won't feel lonely without anyone in my life(now that I think of it, I'm not the brightest), that being loner would mean inner peace, no need to worry about the others, no break-ups and no heartbreaks. Now after six months of loneliness I realised that being with no-one makes you no-one. There's nobody to notice your victories and comfort you on your failures, no-one to be weird together, to be happy, sad, goofy or serious with. I actually thought that one can live without anyone. And now I'm glad to realize that you need someone in order to live.
So in 2014 I am going to find at least one good friend to share my weirdness and to accept his or hers!