Thursday 2 January 2014


Talking is a powerful and powerless tool at the same time. The usage of it is endless, but people tend to use it the wrong way.
For example in stead of encouraging someone to take up action in their life they only talk others down, how others are powerless and lazy piece of crap. I am among the people who chose my profession not by the wage but by what I want. Of course, I'm not studying yet, but the profession of my choice is quite... how can I put this.. uncommon. A simple, ordinary person would not choose to be a designer. Most of my former classmates studies medicine and law and there's me, future fashion design student. And most of them weren't giving encouragement talks. They didn't even stayed neutral. Every freaking day I would hear that I'm a future cashier at local store with a degree in fashion design. All the 'How will she study design if she can't even draw's and shit like that shouldn't have gotten in my head but it did. My self esteem and trust in people went down below zero. And no, I didn't need any pep talk or something from them. I JUST NEEDED TO FOR THEM SO STAY NEUTRAL JUST LIKE I DID ABOUT THEIR CHOICES. But I can thank God he gave me enough stubbornness to keep up to my goal. Anyways, just like they almost ruined me, anyone can ruin others. For you it might look like a stupid remark, but for others it might be a life-changing phrase.
But just like it can change everything, it talking can do nothing. I mean all the talkers who say that this and other should be done and then wait for others to do it. 'We have to save nature!', 'We have to change our government!', 'We have to do this and that!' and all they ever do is.. well actually  nothing apart from talking. A lot of people talk about how shit needs to be done but only few actually do something. Why, you ask? Because because even if talking takes you nowhere, it requires less energy than actually doing something. That's how world have always been. If there were more doers than talker, the world would be a better place to live. 
If you're reading this, please, at least once in a while DO something instead of just TALKING. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
~weirder than always Weirdode