Sunday 22 December 2013


The definition of friendship is quite wide. Some say it 'can best be thought of as two people side by side looking forward toward a common goal.' Others  think that 'Friendship is a personal relationship shared between each friend for the welfare of each other, in other words, it is a relationship of trust, faith and concern for each others feelings.' But every individual has it's own definition.
As I am the luckiest girl alive, I happen to surround myself with people that define friendship in a very different way. It should be obvious that friends are important to each other, especially close friends. But when you've been taking care of your friends like your family, comfort them on their ups and downs and on your birthday you don't even get a card or a text saying 'Happy birthday!' you get concerned. Yes, I'm taking about my personal experience. At first I thought I was getting a surprise party or something, but after the weekend I realised - none of my friends are going to do anything. From that point I started feeling like the most miserable and lonely person on this planet. Last year, when I did a party, everyone somehow knew about the date, but this year no-one cared and the confrontation confirmed that. According to one of my friends it's my fault. My and the upcoming exams. Thank God I had enough self respect to never talk to them again.
So thanks to the clique of my former best friends I'm feeling like I'm standing in a crowded room screaming from the bottom of my lungs and no-one can hear me. Now I have social anxiety and no-one to talk to except my family, myself and this blog.  
Do I look miserable enough to you? Yes? Good. No? Also good. Why? Because this experience made me stop caring about people that are  not related, about strangers. That's what some friendships do to you. They should make you happy but instead they slowly kills you inside.
I hope at least you have better friends than I had.
~Your loneliest Weirdode in the world

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