Wednesday 19 February 2014

Healthy body - healthy soul

Soooo yes, it's been a while. Again. But in my excuse driving lesions and job hunting are quite time consuming. But both of those things are coming to an end soon so I'll have more time (hopefully). Now back to the topic.
After my virus I've realised how weak my body is. One person in the house gets sick and I'm laying in bed powerless a day after. And you know what, I thought to myself  'This has to end HERE AND NOW". So after a few days of water-only diet I took matters into my own hands. 
I do believe that healthy soul can only live in a healthy body. That could mean only one thing: CHANGES!
Growing up I was a skinny one in my family so I allowed myself to eat everything I wanted. That included every fast food, junk food from grocery store and all kinds of sweets. And by all I literally mean ALL POSSIBLE ONES. I didn't have any kind of schedule and ate whenever I felt like eating. But of course teenage years have gone by and my body started to act like an adult one. By that I mean I gained 10 kilos in one year.10 FREAKIN' KILOGRAMS IN A YEAR! I couldn't believe that. Since then I feel far from skinny. I think the better definition would be chubby. After the realization I didn't try diets, I just started eating less but there were no results.
But after my recent illness I started to take control of the situation. 
The first thing I did was take care of my water. I got a 2 l water bottle and every morning I fill it up and try to drink it throughout the day. I can't say it's easy especially if I plan on going out, but most of the days I manage to empty it. And the improvement of my body is just... I feel a lot better, my skin doesn't dry out as fast and overall feeling of your body getting detoxicated is amazing and improves my mood 110%.
Another thing was my food. I changed up my breakfast to an egg routine. Egg whites to be exact. They are high in protein and I have no idea what it does in particular but it feels lighter than my usual former breakfast routine - sandwiches. Changing up the additional ingredients doesn't make it feel boring and brings out the creative side of me in the kitchen.
The last important thing I changed in my everyday life is routine. I try to keep the schedule of my meals. Of course there are some deflections here and there but I've learned that the most important thing is getting back on track. I usually eat late breakfast, late lunch and a normal dinner. The breakfast is late because I get out of bed late and lunch takes time to prepare. I know it's not the best plan but it's working.
I throw some exercise here and there but it's not regular and I need to make a proper schedule for that in the future. That's all I do for now and I can tell you I feel A LOT  better than before. More energy, clearer body, better feeling!
~ your healthier Weirdode  

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