Wednesday 19 February 2014

Healthy body - healthy soul

Soooo yes, it's been a while. Again. But in my excuse driving lesions and job hunting are quite time consuming. But both of those things are coming to an end soon so I'll have more time (hopefully). Now back to the topic.
After my virus I've realised how weak my body is. One person in the house gets sick and I'm laying in bed powerless a day after. And you know what, I thought to myself  'This has to end HERE AND NOW". So after a few days of water-only diet I took matters into my own hands. 
I do believe that healthy soul can only live in a healthy body. That could mean only one thing: CHANGES!
Growing up I was a skinny one in my family so I allowed myself to eat everything I wanted. That included every fast food, junk food from grocery store and all kinds of sweets. And by all I literally mean ALL POSSIBLE ONES. I didn't have any kind of schedule and ate whenever I felt like eating. But of course teenage years have gone by and my body started to act like an adult one. By that I mean I gained 10 kilos in one year.10 FREAKIN' KILOGRAMS IN A YEAR! I couldn't believe that. Since then I feel far from skinny. I think the better definition would be chubby. After the realization I didn't try diets, I just started eating less but there were no results.
But after my recent illness I started to take control of the situation. 
The first thing I did was take care of my water. I got a 2 l water bottle and every morning I fill it up and try to drink it throughout the day. I can't say it's easy especially if I plan on going out, but most of the days I manage to empty it. And the improvement of my body is just... I feel a lot better, my skin doesn't dry out as fast and overall feeling of your body getting detoxicated is amazing and improves my mood 110%.
Another thing was my food. I changed up my breakfast to an egg routine. Egg whites to be exact. They are high in protein and I have no idea what it does in particular but it feels lighter than my usual former breakfast routine - sandwiches. Changing up the additional ingredients doesn't make it feel boring and brings out the creative side of me in the kitchen.
The last important thing I changed in my everyday life is routine. I try to keep the schedule of my meals. Of course there are some deflections here and there but I've learned that the most important thing is getting back on track. I usually eat late breakfast, late lunch and a normal dinner. The breakfast is late because I get out of bed late and lunch takes time to prepare. I know it's not the best plan but it's working.
I throw some exercise here and there but it's not regular and I need to make a proper schedule for that in the future. That's all I do for now and I can tell you I feel A LOT  better than before. More energy, clearer body, better feeling!
~ your healthier Weirdode  

Sunday 9 February 2014

January's overview

In January I decided to go back to my DIYing. Since admissions to the college of my choice are getting closer, I've decided to re-inspire myself for work and creation. It's annoying when you get some sort of psychological mind-block, can't think of anything and end up wasting your time watching TV shows and random YouTube videos.
I'll try to make this overview a monthly thing or if someone would like to know how to do a certain thing, I'll maybe do a separate post about the process. Here we go!

Fist off we have some vinyl plates. At fist I thought of keeping them the way they are, but they looked a bit too plain. Also I didn't keep them for playing because it's all in Russian(inheritance of my grandparents) and I don't know a word plus I don't have a record player so I didn't hesitated to remake them.
I tried to do some sort of tribal pattern(but miserably failed on some plates). In the beginning I thought adding color too but it didn't seem to fit well.

Another thing I did was this necklace. I had the chain part laying around and never wore it. That's why I decided to add a bit of myself to it. It's not much but I quite like it.

That's about it for my January DIYs. I'll try to make something more for February and hopefully post it too.
P.S. Uploaded photos are edited because I only have an old HP Photosmart E427 and that plus my poor skills of photography equals shitty photos. My editing isn't good too but don't judge me, I'm still learning ;)

~your Weirdode

Sunday 2 February 2014


Sooo I've been gone for quite a long time. The M.I.A time wasn't planned, but stuff happened and I'm here only now. Fir the first two weeks of January I've been doing some DIY's, which I'll show you in probably another post. For the last two weeks of January I've been sick quite badly. I've caught some kind of virus that didn't allow me to keep any water in me so I wasn't in condition of writing a post or anything. And some serious problems added to the all the stuff keeping me from writing. But now I feel like I'm back on track and I'll try to insert some ports in between my DIYing, job an d driving lesions (further update about all of this should go up later). I've decided to bring up the girly side of my blog (since obviously I'm a girl), maybe review some pf my truly liked beauty products, DIY projects, monthly favorites, but mainly rambling about things I've noticed during the few days. I hope some of the readers remained.
P.S. A glass of wine might have influenced the grammar and vocabulary of this post, but overall the idea of coming back is the same :)
~Your immortal Weirdode

Thursday 16 January 2014


So my last post was about changes and I've done some in the past few days. Every single day I go to local viewpoint and just stay for some time to just enjoy the view of my town (although it's freezing outside). It's quite relaxing and mind-freeing. Also I've decided to take longer routes to the viewpoint just for fun and it's been like sort of sport (originally it takes me 5 min but I've been up to a 20 min route). Fresh air and some movement has helped a little with my insomnia and mood swings. Besides I've been taking some pictures with my unfortunately shitty camera but I enjoy editing them and playing around with effects.
Another thing that has happened wasn't in my intention but whining about it would make me look like a girl from first world problem meme. Everything started when I turned 18. My parents and godparents persuaded me to get my licence but I'm not that into driving and I don't really fancy it. I have to agree it's more comfortable and all, but I've been doing fine without a car. For the past year they've been asking when I'm going to start attending classes for driving and when it started to annoy me I said I'm not going to get my licence. And guess what they did to make me get my driver's licence... THEY SIGNED ME TO DRIVING CLASSES AND BOUGHT BE A FREAKIN' CAR WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!!!
I know I shouldn't be complaining cause there are a bunch of people who would feel blessed to have such an opportunity but that's not me. I prefer achieving things on my own and I was considering to earn enough money and maybe get my license and car on my own. And now that everything is paid for, I have no other choice than attending these classes and starting to drive. Plus as much as I don't want that to happen, it may be the change I need to the route of my happiness. Since Denmark is quite far away, it'll be easier to get all my stuff there by car than bit by bit. But I would've been a lot more thankful if anyone would've asked my opinion about this. 
Although it is not fun to deal with, some things done under pressure turns out to be just what you needed. At least I hope it will.
~your changing Weirdode

Sunday 12 January 2014


Today's post wasn't supposed to be about this but I felt like sharing my current thoughts. I'm not gonna whine about how shitty my life is but I hope this post changes at least one person's mind.
Until this moment I didn't realised two things about my life:
 First one is I just realized how deep my depression is. I know I promised not to grumble about this, but I believe I'm not the only one who feels crappy about themselves. The fact that you don't have anyone to talk to slowly starts to demolish you from inside. And when the demolition gets closer to the end, you feel like it should be your end too. There's no-one to live for. Your family won't even notice when you're gone. Why even bother breathing when you're no-one basically. And that's when I'll tell you NO! You're not no-one! And if you are, change that about you. You have a clean surface to begin creating yourself, build a new, improved version of you, the one that you're satisfied with. Youtube and various blogs are full of people who took a stand and changed their life and instead of sitting on a couch watching TV they went out, travelled the world, met people, CHANGED THEIR LIVES! I'm not saying you should go skydiving or bungee-jumping next thing in the morning but something like going for a walk around unknown places of your town, volunteering for the local animal shelter or just e-mail your old schoolmate and meet-up with them. Some change will definitely be efficient to your well-being. Take little steps and one day  you might be looking back to this day as the end of your dark days.
And that's where I came closer to my other realization today that struck me like a lightning. I almost got a panic attack from thinking that this fall I'll hopefully be thousand kilometers from my home alone in the unknown city of an amazing country called Denmark. I put my biggest hopes into those studies and if that doesn't work out, I'm planing on going to work there. But generally moving to another country alone is mortifying to me. I've never lived on my own, the only job I've worked is cashier and from that experience I hate it and if I move, I'll have to manage on my own. That is the first and the biggest step I've ever taken towards being self-sufficient adult. AND IT FEELS TERRIBLE. But I hate being a hypocrite and try to keep my new years resolution so I'll have to take smaller steps in changing my life to get used to the terrifying feeling. I understand I have to get out of my womb and face the real world. Partly I feel comfortable by not being bothered by the problems of the adulthood, but boredom and craving for changes are literally killing me.
Good night!
~your mortified Weirdode

Friday 10 January 2014


There is so many things I don't understand about people but what amazes me the most is definitions of things. For example, what is normal?
Who makes definition of normal? Can't I put on a red Mohawk hairstyle and call myself normal? No, because normal people somehow don't do that. Normal people walk around unnoticed. I don't know why but being nothing, being unnoticeable is normal. And  in our society being nothing is more important than being yourself. 
Yes, young adults claim that being yourself is the most important thing, but what if I am the red Mohawk kind of person? Older adults don't even try to understand it, they just judge you for being you. I know I sound like some kind of emotional teenage girl, but I'm not and I still struggle with this problem. 
Also have you noticed how much the definition of normal has changed? All the "hipster" stuff going around, looking like a poor person with overpriced things in your "vintage" handbag. All the people looking alike, making it feel like there was a glitch in a matrix and all.Now this is normal. Being against normal became normal(am I still making sense?). Hipsters' nightmare became true: they've became mainstream. 
And I'm not trying to say you should not be hipster or not be normal. I think people all should be different. By that I mean different from each other. Yea, it happens that you find someone that likes or looks like you, but I'm sure there won't be a crowd of those. Sharing an interest with a few people is a good way to find friends, but sharing an interest with the biggest part of society just because it is normal and not necessarily you fond of the thing is just wrong. Of course if you genuinely like what 99% of your town likes, that's fine. The most important thing is to understand what you really want and like and not follow mentality of a herd.
Overall be your own version of a human. Change it, update it, take care of it and treat it right! Don't be afraid to be different! Be afraid to be nothing!
~your weirdest Weirdode

Tuesday 7 January 2014


Every single person seeks comfort in their life. Whether it's a pleasant job, nice people around or just position to sleep for the night. And if one finds it, he obviously feels happy. Of course, why not be happy when you do the job you like and feel comfortable in not to mention get money for doing it, have lovely people around you who cares, and even manage to find the most comfortable position to fall asleep in. What's not to be happy about?
But what bothers me is this widely known statement:
Maybe my understanding of comfort is a bit incorrect, but those two situations of comfort contradicts themselves. 
I know that statement about stepping out of comfort zone means you should do something eccentric, something that is unlikely to you but being happy about something you have and something you don't have is quite... strange? Also should it make me happy if my bed is my comfort zone and I stick my foot out over the edge? Because it sure doesn't feel any kind of positive.
What I'm trying (and probably failing) to say is our comfort and happiness is our individual business. Either it's having a lovely job or jumping out of a plane with a parachute, it's PERSONAL HAPPINESS. No-one should interfere without your permission. It's you who lives your life, you who lives your happiness! Make it worth it!
Let's stop here so we don't get any deeper and discover Atlantis or something ;)
~your happy-wannabe Weirdode